Agile Change Agent

    Participants will learn about agile ways of working and how an agile approach impacts their role and interaction with those driving and leading change. The course also equips participants with tools to ensure change initiatives are embedded, adopted and deliver benefits throughout their organizations.
    Less focused on the theories of change, it is a very hands- on course full of opportunities to “see, do, learn”, packed with exercises and practical tools, tips and advice, and is a great introduction to the world of Agile and Change Management.

Build your practical ability in Agile and change with Agile Change Agent

Who should attend?

    This Agile Change Agent course will benefit anyone who has to plan, manage and participate in creating change at work. The course doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of change management or agile approaches so is suitable for all.
    If you have knowledge of these areas the course will explain how what you already know fits into the structure of an effective change initiative whilst at the same time developing new skills and abilities. If you have a background in project management or business analysis this course will enable you to see where you fit into the wider community of change and where you can best apply your skills.
    Training and certification will be particularly beneficial to those participating in Agile or transformational change, but aren’t necessarily responsible for leading it. These roles include:
  • Change Support (e.g. Programme Office)
  • Change ‘Agents’ (e.g. Business Change Managers)
  • Change Implementers (e.g. Project / Programme / Change Managers)
  • Change Leaders (e.g. Senior Responsible Owners)
  • Operational Line Managers/Staff would also benefit from a higher level of understanding
  • Course Outcomes​

    • In any business, enacting successful and long-lasting change depends upon a number of factors. The first is all about culture, it’s impossible to implement change successfully if everyone isn’t bought into it in the first place. The second is process – understanding the best way to approach change and the various dependencies to make it happen. Then, it’s about using the right tools to reflect the agile approach.
    • An Agile Change Agent combines all of these skills to make sure the organisation sees positive results from any transformational projects they implement. An Agile Change Agent knows what information they need, where to find it and how to utilise it for best effect. Businesses rely on Agile Change Agents to give them peace of mind that any new ways of working, processes, systems, products or structural changes will be conducted effectively and successfully.
    • Problem solving techniques are a key part of the agile change agent course as it seeks to enhance participants confidence in planning and managing change initiatives. Other key themes of the course include a focus on building relationships, understanding the road-mapping process and learning the best way to ensure change you are implementing is having a beneficial impact.

    Course Outline

    What are the benefits of studying this course?
    • Understand how agile approaches impact the way change is managed and delivered, and the impact on those involved in and affected by change.
    • Apply techniques to identify and prioritise activities according to business value.
    • Manage relationships with relevant stakeholders and team members, understanding how to best engage with them through empathy and trust.
    • Develop strategies for building resilience and motivation, whilst managing and mitigating resistance.
    • Create a change that is lean and flexible, realizing benefits earlier on in the process.
    • Manage change for both large-scale transformations and micro-level business change projects.
    • Utilize pre-prepared checklists, questionnaires and models that can be tailored to specific change initiatives.

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    Working hours

    Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
    Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
    Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
    Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
    Friday Closed
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
    Agile Change Agent