Business Intelligence (BI)

    In this day and age, it is no surprise for corporate staff to be over whelmed by the abundance of unstructured data. ERPs and databases have evolved to a point where they can house amazingly large amounts of data.
    The question now is, what do you do with this data to add value? This program will introduce Business Intelligence (BI), hands-on, to allow you to clean, normalize, and interpret large volumes of data. You will be able to establish historical relationships, analyze the current situation and predict future strategies. In this course we use MS Excel exclusively as an ultimate and readily available BI tool allowing you to develop an exclusive level of expertise and add immediate value to your job and company.

Today, companies across the world are spending millions to master the technique of collecting, comprehending, analyzing and monetizing data. Also, there are opportunities galore for smart and vibrant analysts who have gained proficiency in topics like business intelligence, data mining, data visualization, segmentation, and predictive analytics.

Who should attend?

  • Business professionals, business analysts, data analysts, research analysts, finance professionals, marketing and sales professionals
  • HR professionals, IT professionals, administrative staff, supervisors, general business professionals and staff from any function who need to learn and apply state-of-the-art data analysis techniques to their daily business reporting and decision making.

Course Outcomes​

  • Boost Excel Business Intelligence (BI) expertise in data slicing and dicing, data massaging, and data aggregation and modeling
  • Perform data normalization, consolidation, report writing, analysis and reconciliation
  • Develop dynamic BI models, scorecards and ash management reports

Course Outline

Data analysis tools and techniques
  • Advanced data validation using lists, dates and custom validation
  • The incredible table-tools technique
  • Cell management tools: left, right, mid, concatenate, value
  • Naming, editing, and managing cells and ranges
  • Subtotal, sumif, sumifs, sumproduct, count, countif, countifs
  • Looking-up data, texts, and values using vlookup
Mastering data reporting
  • Creating pivot tables
  • Number formatting techniques
  • Designing report layout
  • Sorting in ascending, descending and more sort options
  • Filtering labels and values
  • Expanding and collapsing reports
  • Drill down option
  • Summarize values by sum, average, minimum, maximum, count
  • Show values as % of total and % of
Data integration and connections
  • Integrating data from Text file
  • Integrating data from Excel file Integrating data from Web
Data modelling
  • Spinner
  • Check box data modeling with if function
  • Option button data modeling with if function
  • List box data modeling with choose function
  • Scenario manager

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A test

Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
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Enrolled: 1 student
Lectures: 5
Level: Beginner


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Business Intelligence (BI)
OMR 0.00