Personal Development

Course Outline

    Best-in-class content by leading faculty and industry leaders in the form of videos, cases and projects, assignments and live sessions.
Course 1: Anger Management

Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one’s life. Without control you
are putting limits on what you can accomplish. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing
people their jobs, and personal relationships. However, since everyone experiences anger, having a
constructive approach to manage it effectively can turn it into a valuable asset. Our Anger
Management workshop will give your participants that constructive approach. Participants will
learn how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry. Through specific
coping and planning techniques, anger can become a positive tool.

  • Understanding Anger
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Gaining Control
  • Separate the People from the Problem
  • Working on the Problem
  • Solving the Problem
  • A Personal Plan
  • The Triple an Approach
  • Dealing with Angry People
  • Pulling it All Together
Course 2:Attention Management

A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention
can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Your participants will be more efficient at
their job, make fewer mistakes, and be more productive overall. Attention Management is a useful
skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate
them to focus on their work. Our workshop will help your participants reach their personal and in
turn company goals. They will gain valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more
attentive and vigilant.


  • Introduction to Attention Management
  • Types of Attention
  • Strategies for Goal Setting
  • Meditation
  • Training Your Attention
  • Attention Zones Model
  • SMART Goals
  • Keeping Yourself Focused
  • Procrastination
  • Prioritizing Your Time
Course 3:Being A Likeable Boss

Being more likeable is a quality everyone can increase and improve. Being likeable and a
figure of authority is where some challenging conflicts can arise. With this workshop your
participants will recognize these possible areas of conflict and develop the skills and knowledge to
overcome them. Our Being a Likeable Boss workshop will show that honesty and trust will be your
participant’s biggest tools in fostering a better relationship with their employees. Trusting your
team by avoiding micromanagement, using delegation, and accepting feedback will put your
participants on the right path to be a more likeable boss.


  • Is it Better to be Loved or Feared?
  • Leadership as Service
  • Leadership by Design
  • Understanding Motivation
  • Constructive Criticism
  • The Importance of Tone
  • Trusting Your Team
  • Earning Your Team’s Trust
  • Building and Reinforcing Your Team
  • You are the Boss of You
Course 4: Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is vital to any kind of success, including your career and beyond. Simply
put, critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion. It encourages
reflective and independent thinking to guide us through the hundreds of decisions that we make
throughout a week. Having these skills provides you with the best chance of making an informed
decision. Everything and anything can be a subject to question with critical thinking. As problems
are bound to come up in any organization, it’s important to know how to address these challenges
with good reasoning and logic. Utilizing your critical thinking skills will lead you toward being a
more rational and disciplined thinker. This workshop will provide you the skills to approach
problems critically, as well as recognize the power of open-mindedness and altering your
perspective, in order to make the best choices.


  • Understanding Critical Thinking
  • The Critical Thinking Process
  • The Benefits
  • Characteristics of a Critical Thinker
  • Improving Your Skills (I)
  • Improving Your Skills (II)
  • Evaluating the Information
  • The Barriers
  • Changing Your Perspective
  • Putting It All Together
Course 5: Developing Emotional Intelligence

Taking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects. Emotional
intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, behaviors, and impulses, as
well as apply this knowledge to the world around us. It encourages self-awareness, internal
motivation, and the exploration of diverse perspectives. Through effective and authentic
communication, emotional intelligence will create positive relationships within any organization.
Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed, in which these skills will help you to
maximize your personal and professional success. The Developing Emotional Intelligence course
will provide participants with the tools to gain control over emotions, navigate challenging
situations, and communicate empathetically. With emotional intelligence, you can build a happy
and prosperous life.


  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  • The Components of EI
  • Tools to Gain Control
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Nonverbal Communication Skills
  • Managing Relationships with Others
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Application to Business Practices
  • Benefits of Being Emotionally Aware
  • Making an Impact
Course 6:Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

Goal Setting is one of the most basic and essential skills someone can develop. We touch
on goal characteristics, time management, and what to do when setbacks occur. This workshop will
provide the knowledge and skills your participants need to complete more tasks, and get things
done. Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done workshop will cover strategies to help your
participants deal with distractions and overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into
increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Your participants will learn the Goal
Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive


  • Overcoming Procrastination (I)
  • Overcoming Procrastination (II)
  • Four Ps of Goals Setting
  • Improving Motivation
  • Wise Time Management
  • Tips for Completing Tasks
  • Increase Your Productivity
  • To Do List Characteristics
  • SMART Goals
  • Mistakes Will Happen
Course 7:Improving Mindfulness

Improving mindfulness is about understanding yourself and being “in the moment”. Your
participants will become more mindful of their actions and learn how to express and interpret their
present environment. They will create positive connections and increase their selfregulation of
attention and personal experiences. Improving Mindfulness will provide benefits throughout their
professional and personal lives. Improving mindfulness through gratitude, filtering, and active
listening will give your participants the advantage of seeing things in a new light. This workshop has
the ability to give your participants an increased recognition of mental events in the present
moment which provides countless benefits.


  • What is Mindfulness?
  • Practicing Mindfulness
  • Emotional IQ
  • Cognitive Distortion I
  • Cognitive Distortion II
  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
  • Mindfulness and Gratitude
  • Cultivating High Performance Emotions
  • Mindfulness and Customer Service
  • Mindfulness and Leadership
Course 8:Improving Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is developing an understanding your emotions and feelings. It is an
awareness of the physical, emotional, and psychological self. Your participants will identify ways of
recognizing all of these and improving each through various cognitive and learning styles.
Improving Self-Awareness will improve self-control, reduce procrastination, and develop mood
management. Your participants will improve their relationships and create a more fulfilling life.
These improvements will in turn translate into a wholly improved workforce. Stress will decline and
productivity will increase as internal turmoil will decline all through improving self-awareness.


  • What is the Self?
  • Awareness of the Physical Self
  • Time Management
  • The Emotional Self
  • Mood Management
  • The Psychological Self
  • Interpersonal Awareness
  • The Spiritual Self
  • Limitations of Self-Awareness
  • Independence versus Interdependence
Course 9:Increasing Your Happiness

Increasing one’s happiness can be done through the power of positive thinking. That is one
skill that this workshop will touch on to teach your participants how to be happier. Happiness will
spread throughout your organization and have a positive effect on everyone. With our Increasing
Your Happiness workshop your participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their
happiness. This will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives. It will improve
their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism.


  • Plan Ahead for Happiness
  • Plan Your Day
  • Relate To Others
  • Go To Your Happy (Work) Space
  • Accentuate the Positive
  • Use Your Benefits
  • Take Control of Your Career Happiness
  • Set Boundaries
  • Practice Positivity
  • Choose To Be Happy
Course 10:Job Search Skills

Searching for a job can be intimidating. How do you know what job you’re best suited for?
How do you build a winning resume and cover letter? Where can you find job leads? How do you
network without feeling nervous? What happens when you land an interview? And most
importantly, where do you find help when you need it? The Job Search Skills workshop will give you
the answers to all these questions, plus a plan to get you to a new job within a month. After
completing this program, you’ll be more than ready to start your search for your perfect job.
Identifying the purpose for working and the assessment of skills can help determine the types of
jobs your participants should apply for.


  • Ready, Set, Go!
  • Building Your Resume
  • Polishing Your Resume
  • Writing a Cover Letter
  • Creating a Portfolio
  • Networking Skills
  • Skills for Success
  • Where to Look?
  • Understanding the Interview
  • Interview Skills
Course 11:Life Coaching Essentials

Many people often mistake a life coach for a mental health professional, such as a
psychiatrist or a therapist. This misconception often leads people to believe they do not need a life
coach since they feel as though nothing is wrong with their mental health. However, a life coach is
designed to help improve a person’s professional and personal life by working with them to achieve
their goals. With our Life Coaching Essentials workshop, your participants will discover the meaning
of life coaching and how life coaching services can be utilized to achieve their goals.


  • Why You Need a Life Coach?
  • The Benefits of Life Coaching
  • Life Coaching Challenges
  • Basic Structure of a Coaching Session
  • Essential Skills for Successful Coaching
  • Life Coaching Tools and Techniques
  • Life Coaching Specialized Areas (I)
  • Life Coaching Specialized Areas (II)
  • Life Coaching Specialized Areas (III)
  • Apply What You Learned to the Workplace
Course 12:Managing Personal Finances

For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik’s cube filled with anxiety. We don’t
teach children when they are young the value of a good credit score. Many people have a hard time
formatting and sticking to a budget. You can easily solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work,
self-control, and the right tools. Today is a new day; you are taking the first steps to reclaiming your
financial freedom. Most people know that a map can tell them how to get from point A to point B.
A well-developed budget is just like a map as it helps you reach your financial goals. You start at
point A, and the budget helps you go the distance get to point B. And with our Managing Personal
Finances workshop your participants will learn how to budget and create a plan for their future.


  • The Benefits of Budgeting
  • What to Consider Before Creating a Budget
  • Types of Fixed Personal Expenses
  • Types of Fluctuating Personal Expenses
  • Establish Your Goals
  • Determine Where Cuts Can Be Made
  • Tools
  • Stick With Your Budget
  • Additional Ways to Make Money
  • Paying Off Debt
Course 13:Managing Workplace Anxiety

The workplace is one of the leading locations where people experience stress and anxiety.
Every employee will encounter it sometime during their career. Everyone should be aware of the
signs of anxiety and the tools needed to cope and deal with it. Our Managing Workplace Anxiety
workshop will provide your participants the important skills and resources to recognize and
manage workplace anxiety. By identifying these symptoms and coping skills employees and
managers will be better suited in dealing with these common situations. Through this workshop
your participants will be better suited to the challenges that the workplace can bring.


  • Types of Anxiety
  • Physical Symptoms
  • Anxiety Triggers
  • Anxiety vs. Nervousness
  • Recognizing Anxiety in Others
  • Coping Strategies (I)
  • Coping Strategies (II)
  • Acknowledge the Situation
  • The Positive Aspects
  • When to Seek Extra Help?
Course 14:Personal Productivity

Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show
participants how to organize their lives and find those hidden moments. Participants will learn how
to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment, and use time honored planning
and organizational tools to maximize their personal productivity. Personal Productivity is a goal
most of us have. Through this workshop your participants will be on the right track in achieving that
goal. Some people blame everything that goes wrong in their life on something or someone else,
but through this workshop your participants will take ownership and begin to lead a more
productive life.


  • Setting SMART Goals
  • The Power of Routines
  • Scheduling Yourself
  • Keeping Yourself on Top of Tasks
  • Tackling New Tasks and Projects
  • Using Project Management Techniques
  • Creating a Workspace
  • Organizing Files and Folders
  • Managing E-Mail
  • Tackling Procrastination


Course 15:Public Speaking

According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public
speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a
crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop your participants
will become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience which will translate into a
successful speaking event. However, mastering this fear and getting comfortable speaking in public
can be a great ego booster, not to mention a huge benefit to your career. The Public Speaking
workshop will give participants some basic public speaking skills, including in-depth information on
developing an engaging program and delivering their presentation with power.


  • Identifying Your Audience
  • Creating a Basic Outline
  • Organizing the Program
  • Fleshing It Out
  • Putting It All Together
  • Being Prepared
  • Overcoming Nervousness
  • Delivering Your Speech (I)
  • Delivering Your Speech (II)
  • Questions and Answers
Course 16:Social Intelligence

Social Intelligence is about understanding your environment and having a positive
influence. Your participants will become more confident in their social situations by learning how to
express and interpret social cues. They will create positive connections and increase their influence
during social situations. Increasing Social Intelligence will provide benefits throughout their
professional and personal lives. It is a fantastic tool for coaching and development as people will
learn “people skills”. Improving social skills through active listening, understanding body language,
and being more empathic will give your participants the advantage in their interactions. Social
interactions are a two-way street, know the rules of the road!


  • Increase Your Self-Awareness
  • The Keys to Empathy
  • Active Listening
  • Insight on Behavior
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Social Cues (I)
  • Social Cues (II)
  • Conversation Skills
  • Body Language
  • Building Rapport
Course 17:Social Learning

Social Learning is an effective way to train your employees through modeling positive
behaviors. It is a great way to promote cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning.
Your participants will learn the best way to conduct role plays, share best practices, and provide
constant and immediate feedback. With our Social Learning course your participants will be
creating learning communities that benefit every aspect of your organization. They will learn new
behaviors through observation and modeling and be instilled with a passion for learning.


  • Setting the Right Group Dynamic (I)
  • Setting the Right Group Dynamic (II)
  • Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (I)
  • Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (II)
  • Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work (III)
  • Role Playing (I)
  • Role Playing (II)
  • Utilizing the Right Tools (I)
  • Utilizing the Right Tools (II)
  • Modeling and Observational Learning
Course 18:Stress Management

Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to
maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. Your participants will be shown
how stress can be positive and negative, and we’ll look at the Triple A approach that will form the
basis of this workshop. The Stress Management workshop will give participants a three-option
method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using
routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. They will also understand what lifestyle
elements they can change to reduce stress.


  • Understanding Stress
  • Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle
  • Altering the Situation
  • Avoiding the Situation
  • Accepting the Situation
  • Using Routines to Reduce Stress
  • Environmental Relaxation Techniques
  • Physical Relaxation Techniques
  • Coping with Major Events
  • Our Challenge to You
Course 19:Taking Initiative

Taking the initiative is a crucial step in moving forward in our professional and personal
lives. By showing initiative, it reflects us in a positive light to others as well as builds our own selfesteem. If we want something to happen, we need to make it happen. That is what initiative is all
about. Take opportunities and run with them. Do not let excuses cause you to miss out on amazing
opportunities. See what you want, believe what you want, and make it happen. With our Taking
Initiative workshop, the class participants will learn what initiative is, how to take it on, the
advantages of it, and when to know one’s place. By enrolling in this class, participants will be taking
the first step in making something positive happen for them! Now that is initiative!


  • What is Initiative?
  • Know Clients
  • Recognize When You Can Step In
  • Recognize When You Can Go Outside the Normal
  • Weighing the Consequences
  • Good or Bad
  • Confidence
  • Find Opportunities
  • Be Persistent
  • Balance Initiative and Restraint
Course 20:Work-Life Balance

Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge come
great rewards when it is done successfully. By balancing a career with home life it will provide
benefits in each environment. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be
able to produce more career wise. With a Work-Life Balance you will be managing your time better.
Better time management will benefit all aspects of life; you will be working less and producing
more. This workshop will show how to focus on the important things, set accurate and achievable
goals, and communicate better with your peers at work and your family at home.


  • Benefits of a Healthy Balance
  • Signs of an Imbalance
  • Employer Resources
  • Tips in Time Management
  • Goal Setting
  • Optional Ways to Work
  • At Work
  • At Home
  • Stress Management
  • Working in a Home Office

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Enrolled: 4 students


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Personal Development